Bamboo – Benefits and ways to be used in morden life

There are over 1000 species of bamboo. It is a type of grass and grows from it’s roots, when it is cut it quickly grows back with most species maturing in 3-5 years. This amazing plant grows in both tropical and temperate environments and is very hardy, not needing pesticides or herbicides to grow well.


Bamboo Benefits:

  • Growing in a wide range of environments, bamboo is excellent for inhibiting soil erosion. It produces more oxygen than trees.
  • Furniture

Bamboo can be flattened into flooring, molded into furniture, pressed into veneers, sliced up to make window blinds, you could even build a whole house out of it.

  • Accessories

It is also used to make necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other types of jewellery.