Benefits of using Bamboo and Rattan products

In the modern era, the use of bamboo and rattan furniture is becoming more and more popular and is considered a useful solution for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development.

1. Protecting natural resources:

Using bamboo and rattan plays an important role in protecting natural resources. Instead of using plastic or metal materials, bamboo and rattan products are made from natural bamboo fibers, which are not harmful to the environment.








2. Climate-friendly and low-carbon:

Bamboo is a tree that has the ability to absorb carbon and keep carbon in the process of growth. By using bamboo and rattan, we are simultaneously creating an environmentally friendly product, which helps reduce the consumption of materials that cause carbon emissions and contribute to climate change control.








3. Create jobs and develop the local economy:

Bamboo weaving is a traditional profession with special cultural value in many areas. The promotion and development of the bamboo and rattan industry not only helps to generate income for local people but also promotes economic development in rural are