History of World Bamboo Day
The 8th World Bamboo Council in Thailand in 2009 declared September 18 every year as World Bamboo Day. This statement is an effort to raise awareness about bamboo globally.
World Bamboo Day was born to emphasize the importance of bamboo to people and the environment.
World Bamboo Day is an opportunity to find initiatives to develop the bamboo industry and educate people to increase the use of bamboo products.

World Bamboo Organization
The World Bamboo Organization (WBO): The World Bamboo Organization is a group of individuals, organizations, commercial enterprises, and non-profit associations all with a common interest in bamboo. The purpose of WBO is to protect the environment, promote and promote bamboo growing, and encourage people to use bamboo and bamboo products.
Every three years, WBO organizes the World Bamboo Council. This is where bamboo experts and enthusiasts meet, discuss and collaborate on bamboo-related issues.

Bamboo – green solution
Bamboo is a green solution to solve economic and climate change problems. In 2015, African governments launched 17 sustainable goals to eradicate poverty. Bamboo has directly or indirectly solved the 15 problems mentioned above.
Bamboo is also a green solution for construction projects. While the world’s climate is warming, using bamboo furniture is the optimal choice. Bamboo buildings are cooler than other materials because bamboo releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere than wood crops.

→ World Bamboo Day is approaching, let’s do something to join hands to protect the green planet.